Strategy & Management
- Feasibility studies and start-ups
- Improved performance of the commercial formula
- Geomarketing
- Franchising project engineering
- Audits, evaluations and operational assistance in M&A processes
At your side for all-round decisions.
We are retail specialists, with a global vision. We become real partners, helping you to make complex decisions, supporting you in the operations we believe are in line with your business and steering you away from unprofitable operations, with professional correctness and impartiality. This is the task of the Strategy & Management Business Unit.
The added value of the consultancy we offer you is expressed in the operational abilities we have developed both within Reno and, previously, on the field by Reno resources, in their roles of point of sale managers, brand managers, shopping centre directors, financial analysts.
All merchandising categories
Reno is involved with all medium and medium-high non-food retail: clothing, accessories, household textiles and housewares, perfumery, jewellery, including food and beverages service, both traditional and fast food, and services, from tailoring to hairdressing, and pets related.
This transversal view allows for a cross-fertilisation of concepts and best practices originated in different markets but adaptable to different situations. In particular we have learnt from the most mature, most competitive or most innovative sectors to transfer formats, sales techniques, visual merchandising approaches, promotional and publicity policies.
All the stages of the life cycle
The Strategy & Management Business Unit operates in all the stages of a brand’s life cycle. The definition of a commercial formula and format cannot be independent from a careful analysis of the feasibility of the retail project and its sustainability in economic and commercial terms
All strategic factors
Attention to every stage for the correct evaluation of the retail project
In already well-developed retail networks, Reno supports management in strategic issues linked to the different life cycle of the format. In the processes of performance optimisation of an already active brand, the Strategy & Management Business Unit intervenes in a specific manner on individual strategic factors of the retail formula: from the ideal range for the correct positioning of the brand, to visual merchandising to define the allocation of spaces and the store concept, to the selection, training and motivation of sales personnel and verification processes, to marketing and in-store operations.
We outline the retail development potential of the network on the market
Large retail groups need to map and analyse their current retail situation (monobrand and wholesale) to define the potential of the retail development of the network in the market, in terms of commercial channel and management method (direct vs. franchising) and in function of a competitive reference benchmark and the availability of real estate in line with the format’s development plan.
Location as “key performance factor”
Also, the wealth of knowledge gained in the commercial property market by the Development Business Unit, supplemented with qualitative data and analysis methods specific to the Strategy & Management Business Unit’s know-how, have led to the refining of an elaborate evaluation process, based on geomarketing, to define the potential of one of the most important key performance indicators: the location. Starting from the recording of pedestrian/vehicle traffic flows for the shop windows of the location in question, the potential location turnover is calculated, to allow management to make better-informed choices.
Support with a view to continuous improvement
When the client has internalised these competences, specific know-how is essential to continue to growth and improve: Reno can offer audits and verifications to highlight the state-of-the-art situation and plan ad hoc interventions, also finalised to M&A operations.